WHAT? Continuous hydrological monitoring, water origin and water chemistry

Collection of hydrological (water level discharge) and physico-chemical data (T, Major ions, silica, pH, nutrients, EC, DOC, minor and trace element concentrations, Stable water isotopes δ2H, δ18H) from spring/stream water (continuous  water level, T, EC readings), and periodic collections of rainwater, snowmelt, glacier ice melt, ice and snow, and measurements of discharge.

HOW? Gauging stations (installed at intact/relict rock glacier, glacier, non-glacial spring, outlet), and biweekly collection of water samples of streams and their water sources.

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Stream gauging 

Stream water physico-chemistry

Water sources:
glacial melt

Water sources:
snow melt

Water sources:

Water sources: stream water automatic sampler

Modified from: Brighenti S., Tolotti M., Bruno M.C., Wharton G., Pusch M.T., Bertoldi W., 2019. Ecosystem shifts in Alpine streams under glacier retreat and rock glacier thaw: A review, Science of The Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.221.