1) intact rock glacier stream (IRG) . Photo: G. Bortolotti
2) relict rock glacier stream (RRG). Photo: A. Gschwentner
3) glacial stream (GL). Photo: A. Janicke
4) reference spring draining an area without periglacial landforms/glaciers/permafrost (KN). Photo: G. Bortolotti
5) subcatchment outlet (RH). Photo: G. Bortolotti
Five stream types for each subcatchment are intensively monitored, originating from: 1) intact rock glaciers (IRG), 2) relict rock glaciers (RRG), 3) glaciers (GL), 4) reference spring draining an area without periglacial landforms/glaciers/permafrost (KN), 5) the subcatchment outlet (RH).
Panoramic video of Futschöl rock glacier. Video: A. Janicke